VITHIT began in the hopes of bringing new, better alternatives to the drinks market, thereby empowering people to ditch the sugary drinks that undo all their hard work in the gym. Our mission is to bring delicious, healthy, low-sugar, low-calorie drinks to the global market. We have come to realise that it’s not just the health to the individual we need to focus on, but also the health of the environment around us.
With this in mind, we have opened up this section of our website to inform you, the customer, of any initiatives and changes that are happening at VITHIT. We are working hard to minimise our impact on the environment, while not compromising on our ability to provide our healthy, great tasting drinks to our customers.
All of our plastic bottles are made up of a combination of 51% Recycled Pet (rPET) and 49% virgin PET. We are way ahead of the EU target which have legislated for a minimum of 25:75 rPET:PET ratio by 2025 -
All of our bottles are 100% recyclable.
Our cardboard trays are 100% recyclable - Even so, we recently changed our packaging which has allowed us to reduce our cardboard use by over 50%
The plastic wrap for our trays has a minimum of 25% rPET and is 100% recyclable.
Our new aluminium cans are 100% recyclable.
Aluminium cans have an average of 73% recycled material in each one -
Aluminium cans are infinitely recyclable.
Having looked across our supply chain we are now in a situation where all of our products are shipped around Europe on rented pallets. This has reduced the amount of trees being felled by almost 3,000 per year.
Over the past 12 months we have managed to reduce the weight of our packaging by 4% through light-weighting of our bottle, thereby increasing the energy efficiency of transporting our delicious drinks to you, the consumer.
We are heading in the right direction but we are not finished. We will continue to investigate how VITHIT can improve, both as a product, and as a company, and will investigate new technologies and innovation as they come to light in the future.
Last updated: March 2023